Meeting God At Midnight

Published by:
Sociosights Press

Austin, Texas
136 pages

ISBN: 978-0-9916327-2-5

Meeting God at Midnight Poems by Ahuva Batya Scharff

What does it mean to be a barren Jewish woman, unable to fulfill the mitzvah of bearing children? How can faith and connection to Jewish history and tradition underpin the process of healing from trauma? In Israel, where public worship is controlled by the ultra-Orthodox, what does it mean to be a Conservative Jewish woman? Meeting God at Midnight explores both the challenges of Judaism and its ability to act as lifeline and transformative faith.



Meeting God at Midnight

Running outside, in the warmth

and the dark, thrusting my arms

upward with joy, eyes rolling

in their sockets in ecstasy.

God is everywhere around me!

I smell God in the crescent-bend of the moon,

taste God in the sound of the cicada,

feel God in the scent of early spring roses.


Opaque Essence!

Why do You hide Yourself

in all of these things?

Come forth, allowing us to


I cannot be without You....

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