Almost a Minyan

Release Date: April 4, 2017
40 pages

ISBN: 978-0-9916327-4-9
(Hard cover)

Contact Sociosights Press


Almost a Minyan An endearing book for children from 5 to 105 years old.

"Kline has packed her latest picture book, Almost A Minyan, almost to bursting with themes of Jewish prayer, community, mourning, ritual items and egalitarianism. Set in a small town that sometimes struggles to meet the quorum of 10 adults needed to make up the minyan, or quorum for community prayer, a young girl observes her father's daily participation. Unabashedly egalitarian, both in the narrative and illustrations, the full inclusion of women in the minyan is presented as normative. Families and organizations who share this view are especially likely to appreciate this depiction of Jews and their communities that reflect their realities."

-Rabbi Deborah Miller,
Books and Blintzes

"A warmhearted introduction to coming-of-age in a worship community."

Kirkus Reviews


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